
English Spanish Portuguese

With over 15 years of experience, Monica works in the Civil Litigation practice focusing on Payroll Loans, Consumer, Banking, and Finance, as well as Dispute Resolution.

She has expertise in complex advisory and litigation matters (active and passive) involving the financial and banking sectors, as well as extensive experience in conducting class actions and public civil actions, mainly involving consigned payments, and strategic actions against paying agencies.

Monica advises major clients in the banking sector and financial institutions in lawsuits related to transactions with consigned credit cards and is heavily involved in filing lawsuits and administrative measures to prevent abusive practices.



  • Bachelor’s degree in law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (2009).
  • Postgraduation in Civil Procedural Law from Universidade Cândido Mendes (2012).
  • Master of Business Administration in Business Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas/RJ (2017).
  • Master’s student in Civil Procedural Law from PUC/SP (In progress).


Memberships and Admissions

  • Brazilian Bar – São Paulo
  • Brazilian Bar – Rio de Janeiro
  • Special Commission on Banking Law – OAB SP
  • Member of the Administration and Professional Ethics Committee and the Women’s Leadership Committee of CESA (Center for the Study of Law Societies)