12 jun 2014
A HRT e a Rosneft devolveram o bloco SOL-T-172, na Bacia do Solimões, onde foi perfurado um poço seco em 2013 (1-HRT-11-AM). Este é o terceiro bloco devolvido pelo consórcio, que ainda possui 18 áreas em fase de exploração na região.Para este ano, o consórcio – cuja operação deve ser assumida pela russa Rosneft – aguarda a análise dos PADs dos poços 1-HRT-2-AM, 1-HRT-8-AM e 1-HRT-1-AM. Os poços foram perfurados nos blocos contíguos SOL-T-169 e SOL-T-170, onde foram feitas descobertas de gás natural.
HRT and Rosneft withdrawn a block on Solimões Basin
HRT and Rosneft withdrawn the block Sol-T-172, on Solimões Basin, where an exploratory well was drilled on 2013 (1-HRT-11-AM). This is the third block that was returned to ANP by the consortium, which still has 18 areas in exploration phase on the area. For this year, the consortium, which operation shall be assumed by the Russian Rosneft – waits the analysis of the Discovery Assessment Plans of the wells 1-HRT-2-AM, 1-HRT-8-AM and 1-HRT-1-AM. The wells have been drilled on the adjacent blocks SOL-T-169 and SOL-T-170, where there were natural gas’ discoveries.
Fonte/Source: Energia Hoje