12 dez 2013
O Ministério Público Federal no Rio de Janeiro instaurou inquérito civil público para apurar possíveis irregularidades da CVM e da ANP na fiscalização das atividades desenvolvidas pela OGX. O procedimento refere-se a uma suposta omissão dos organismos reguladores em relação a alterações em informações divulgadas pela empresa quanto à previsão de óleo comercial em campos operados pela petroleira, cuja exploração foi posteriormente suspensa. Em resposta, a CVM esclareceu que “já prestou todas as informações que lhe foram solicitadas e que foram julgadas necessárias ou úteis pelo MPF até o presente momento.” A ANP informa que quando for solicitada, irá colaborar com a investigação do Ministério Público.
MPF/RJ will ascertain ANP’s and CVM’s liability on OGX’s case
The Federal Prosecution Office in the State of Rio de Janeiro (MPF/RJ) started a public civil inquiry to ascertain eventual irregularities executed by the Securities Commission (CVM) and the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) during the supervision of the activities developed by OGX. The proceeding is related to an eventual omission of the regulatory bodies regarding modifications on information disclosure by the company about the expectation of commercial oil in fields operated by the oil company, which exploration was further suspended. CVM clarified that “it already provided all information that were requested and considered as useful by the MPF/RJ until the present moment”. ANP informed that, when requested, it will cooperate with MPF/RJ’s investigation.
MPF/RJ will ascertain ANP’s and CVM’s liability on OGX’s case
The Federal Prosecution Office in the State of Rio de Janeiro (MPF/RJ) started a public civil inquiry to ascertain eventual irregularities executed by the Securities Commission (CVM) and the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) during the supervision of the activities developed by OGX. The proceeding is related to an eventual omission of the regulatory bodies regarding modifications on information disclosure by the company about the expectation of commercial oil in fields operated by the oil company, which exploration was further suspended. CVM clarified that “it already provided all information that were requested and considered as useful by the MPF/RJ until the present moment”. ANP informed that, when requested, it will cooperate with MPF/RJ’s investigation.